About Company

At Civis Analytics, we bring objective, data-driven truth to organizational decision-making—from the boardroom to the world’s largest progressive social causes.

This mission isn’t an aspiration: it’s something we see realized every day, and it brings purpose to everything we’re working on.

We combine a sophisticated SaaS product with our specialized data science consultancy to empower tens of thousands of active users to make millions of data-driven decisions every month. From joining disparate data sources and automating reporting, to building more elaborate models of targeted audiences and optimizing messages for them, organizations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the City of Boston, and iHeart Radio trust Civis’s technology to make their most critical decisions.

Core to our product and consulting offerings is Civis Platform, which makes it easy to import, manage, transform, analyze, and report on data. Our customers love Civis Platform because it empowers them to focus on finding data-driven answers to their most critical questions—in other words, we empower them to run their business, rather than running a tech stack.

Learn more about Civis at www.civisanalytics.com.

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